Martin Luther King Family Life Center Inc.
"Everybody can be great because everybody can serve."
-Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Our Founder.
Dr. Vanessa McCoy OwensRev. Dr. Vanessa McCoy Owens,
“Let God Do a New Thing”.
Ordained as a minister by the Word of Life Christian Center, International, and bestowed the Doctorate of Theology by the Heath Missions Bible College, Vanessa McCoy Owens has been following the Light of God in responding to human need as well as blazing the trail for others to follow for more than 40 years.
She uses the gifts of love with empathy to answer the call of pain and suffering at home and abroad. She uses the talents of a powerful singing voice with the ability to speak goodness into the lives of others. As well, she uses the skills of an entrepreneur who has collaborated with other professionals who have the vision of helping to build a world that works for everyone.

White House, the President’s Interfaith Community Service Initiative Award. Restoring peace, healing and hope is the mission of Dr. Owens’ award-winning “40 Days of Peace Initiative”, which has received special recognition from the White House, the President’s Interfaith Community Service Initiative. Norfolk Public Schools Norfolk Preparatory High School Dr. Jacqueline S. Moore, Ed.D. "Vanessa, your comments were perfect for the occasion & the audience of over 800 people including 80 graduates were attentive as you spoke. Your remarks made a difference and were motivated the students to believe in themselves. Several families commented that this graduation was the best we have had in our five years of existence. Again, we thank you for your superb performance! You assisted us in honoring our graduates with a memorable and heartwarming ceremony." The Virginia Association of Educational Office Professionals of Norfolk Ms. Pearl I. Bailey, Chair "The members of The Virginia Association of Educational Office Professionals who attended the institute; Our National President, Mrs. Wells; our school Superintendent, Dr. John O. Simpson; and the Administrative Staff members attending all expressed how inspired they were! Your informative presentation, and clever story of a student who endured through it all left us with the in incentive and ambition to follow our dreams. We are so glad you accepted our invitation and hope to have the opportunity to ask you to speak again." Berks County Youth Center Director of Programs: Mr. Joe Cirulli "The presentation you gave at the youth center was certainly an inspiring and uplifting message. They were fortunate to hear your personal strife for success as it relates to some of their own current circumstances and lives. Both Staff and youth residents could feel the impact of your testimony, which I'm sure will be shared with many of the youth that are placed in our facility. There is a definite need among troubled youth to hear personal testimonies from individuals who have walked in their shoes. Your presentation has provided that realism (with a touch of class). I was compelled to extend the 40 Days of Peace Pledge to the Lebanon County Correctional facility." Dr. Lonnie McLeod Jr. Church of the Living Hope, Harlem, NY "Dr. Owens is a dynamic and poignant speaker; an insightful teacher. She has served as a Middle East peace activist in Israel, and on a committee with the United Nations that promotes global peace." Dr. Patricia L. Fletcher National Association of Colored Women's Clubs And Youth Affiliates "Dr. Vanessa is able to project experiences in a manner which encourages others to learn ways of enhancing their own lifestyles for meaningful, permanent change. She is a very dynamic person, and a speaker who has experienced life in ways that would have destroyed most. " Paul Seyfert, M. Ed Advisor, Lebanon High School Student Council "The 40 Days of Peace initiative provided our student body and staff to interact with Reverand Owens in a powerful message of accepting that change begins with each individual and that by being a model of ethical behavior, integrity and a good citizen others will be inspired by these actions and will bring the entire school family together to promote greater cooperation and a sustainable reduction in violence in the school community. The initial outreach by Revered Owens and the Martin Luther King Family Life Center inspired over 250 students and staff to take the 40 Days of Peace Pledge. By the end of the 40 Days over 600 students had joined the initiative!"